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Audio Courses
Psychological Self-Defense
Dr. Ellen Kenner, Ph.D |
Whether dealing with a deviously critical mother, a deliberately incomprehensible professor or an envious co-worker, how do you resist the tendency to "keep the peace," to forgive and make excuses for them—to apologize for the good within you? How do you remain morally true to yourself? How do you avoid granting them the "sanction of the victim"? In this course Dr. Kenner provides how-to advice on detecting and counteracting intentionally manipulative people.
With an abundance of examples—drawn from both real life and fiction—she explains the subtle methods by which manipulative people gain psychological footholds. Rather than being formal lectures, these six sessions include frequent questions from the students as well as staged confrontations in which Dr. Kenner plays the role of a manipulator. Though she sketches out some of the psychological principles involved, her central purpose is to teach practical skills that can help you maintain your integrity, pursue your happiness and navigate safely through the traps of would-be manipulators. (5hr 40min)
5-CD set ($65) item 010511
mp3 download ($40) 10 files, 25meg/file, Item 010512
$3 total S&H will be added per order (other items available)
Bringing Out the Heroic in Yourself
Dr. Ellen Kenner, Ph.D |
We've all faced that split second when we must decide whether to speak up and defend our values... or let the moment pass. On a wider scope, there is also our long-range desire to fight for a healthier, more rational world. But if we let such moments or opportunities slip by, it takes a psychological toll on us. This course will cover common psychological barriers to action, offer motivational tips on picking your personal "battles" and avoiding errors, and suggest ways of practicing these new skills.
Ayn Rand said that "anyone who fights for the future, lives in it today." This course will help you to assertively and effectively defend your values with family members, classmates, coworkers, friends or in some public forum. We will also explore the personal benefits to you, for example, increased confidence, enhanced benevolent universe premises and a wider integration of your knowledge both in content and method. Finally, this course will help you increase your self-respect and solidify a sense of earned pride.
[Audio; 3-tape or 6-CD set; 4 hrs., 18 min., with Q & A]
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Self-Therapy - AUDIO COURSE
Childhood As It Should Have Been and Ought To Be (ADD PAY PAL BUTTON TO HERE AND TO SEMINARS PAGE)
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- The RATIONAL Basis ® of Parenting -
You Can't Force a Mind Part 1
- The RATIONAL Basis ® of Parenting - You Can't Force a Mind Part 2
- "Parent-partners": A rational plan for nurturing your child after your marriage ends
- The effect of divorce upon children
- The aging parent
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The Value of Therapy
Why Rush Limbaugh Was Euphoric About Therapy
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Choosing a Therapist
- How to Choose a Therapist
- Having an "Open Mind" …
a Psychological Asset or Liability?
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Understanding Emotions
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Character, Ethics & Morality
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Virtue and Happiness
- Values and Happiness - The RATIONAL Basis ® of Selfishness Part 1
- The Bully vs the Doormat - The RATIONAL Basis ® of Selfishness Part 2
- Procrastination: One surprising cause
- Inoculating yourself against sarcasm
- Compassion vs. Happiness
- Toleration vs Happiness
- How Altruism Undermines Mental Health and Happiness
- Doing your "duty" vs using your Judgement
- Beware of Forced Kindness - A Lethal Destroyer of Your Happiness
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Terrorism - the basics
Sometimes the way we cope with terrorism in our own minds and the way we deal with it socially have the opposite effect we intend.
- Books relating to terrorism
Terrorism - the religious basis
Terrorism - podcasts
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Psychics & Scams
- Psychics, faith healers and holy men.
Out of this world? Keep them out of yours!
Exposing con-artist's methods and regaining your happiness
- Dear Dr. Kenner. I have a co-worker who can't stop talking about her psychic.....
- How to Evaluate Claims for "Natural" Products
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